Monday, March 28, 2011

List 28: Vacations To Take featuring Maryam from Pamplemousse1983

Maryam from Pamplemousse1983 here! Happy Monday! Ok, maybe not so happy but today's list might get your mind off the fact that it's the first day of the workweek for most people.

Prompt 27: Vacations to Take

If you're like me, you are constantly planning your next vacation. Thinking about where you'd like to go, what you would like to see, where you'd like to stay, etc. I tried to focus my list on places I haven't been before but with a couple of exceptions, the first being Hawaii which I'm not sure I should count because the one time I was there (other than being in the airport) we were only in Honolulu and all I remember was going to McDonald's...I was very young at the time. I think we were there for like a day or two.

The other exception is Haifa, Israel. I think I've been there maybe 5 times total? I even lived there for about 3 months until the Lebanese war broke out. It's a holy place for my religion and the hubs and I are planning to go for pilgrimage next spring. I'm super excited about it as he's never been! Plus, we'll be travelling with our first child who will be about 10 months then, so that should definitely be an adventure. On the way we'll stop in Belgium to visit my dad's side of the family and if all works out my parents will also meet us out there. Needless to say we're already saving up for this trip.

Now I want to know what's your next trip? Or fantasy trip? Where does your little heart desire to visit?

Thank you SO much Maryam for being our sponsor this month! We were so luck to have you!


  1. I posted to the Flickr group, but I figured I'd comment here too! My main goal this year is for my wife and I to go to the Endless Night Vampire Ball in New Orleans. Feel free to ask questions if you'd like. ^_^

    I'm also excited for Disney Land/World, Antelope Island, Las Vegas (for my 22nd Vampyre B-Day Bash,) Japan and Hall's Crossing (our first job!)

    Not all of these will be this year, of course! Well, I really wish they were!!! ;)

    Your list is too fun!!! Gotta love traveling!

  2. My next big vacation, at least I hope, will be to Italy. I also want to go to Disneyland, but that would be a family trip. Italy would just be dear husband and I

  3. Amazing post!!! I'm sure I would just love to travel to Europe 1000 times over & see everything I possibly can! There are more places than that of course, but that would be my "next" tripe & the trip after & the trip after....sigh. ;)

  4. I just got back from traveling with my three young children, and I hate to say it, but I never want to leave home again. We will wait until the kids are all grown, and then I we will go on a long trip to Hawaii.

  5. My husband and I are taking a two-month road trip this summer, and I've already started making lists for it!

    - What campsites will we visit?
    - What clothes will we need?
    - What music should we listen to?
    - What yummy camping meals can we make?

    I find that making lists for a vacation just make me 100 times more excited about the trip!

  6. I reaaaalllyy want to get myself to Cuba before Castro bites the dust - in fear that it might all change then.
    Cambodia is another place I am eager to visit but luckily enough I have this summer for that!!


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