About Boygirlparty
I'm a painter who creates products featuring my original artwork and imagery, inspired by music, nature and joy. I named my company Boygirlparty so the word would imply the youthful, excited & energetic feeling of my work (hopefully!) I started crafting under the name Boygirlparty back in 2001, while I was a student at the Rhode Island School of Design studying illustration.
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Hummingbird To Do List |
Where do you get your inspiration for your notepads?
All my stationery is based off stationery I've made for my own use originally! I used to compulsively create to-do lists for myself, or stationery to write letters on. The imagery is derived from paintings I've done, or doodles I've made in my own sketchbook.
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Blue Owl To-Do List |
Do you make lists?
I'm obsessed with to-do lists. Nothing feels more satisfying than crossing a task off and knowing it's been accomplished :) Lists help me keep track of everything I need to remember so I don't feel like I'm always mentally burdened with having to remember it all... also, sometimes the very act of writing a list helps me remember the things I have to do with more clarity. I also make "Don't forget to pack" lists, shopping lists, people to call/write lists, etc.
Do you do other daily journaling?
Yes, I keep a journal (My own design!), a sketchbook (top secret), a blog, and a twitter account
For ONE WEEK only,
Enter coupon code 30DAYSOFLISTS
for 15% off in the Boygirlparty Etsy shop :)
And now for the giveaway!

Source: Boygirlparty
for 15% off in the Boygirlparty Etsy shop :)
And now for the giveaway!

Source: Boygirlparty
The results of the Twitter poll I took told me you all would love to win this Octopus notepad! Now is your chance to win it!
To enter this giveaway:
- You must be subscribed to the 30 Days of Lists blog. Leave a comment below telling us your name, where you're located, and a few things on your to-do list for today
- Tweet "I want to win this @boygirlparty notepad! Enter here: http://30daysoflists.blogspot.com/ #30Lists" and leave a comment with a link to your tweet
This giveaway is open until March 23, 2011 at 10PM Pacific time
and the winner will be announced March 25, 2011,
so be sure to check back!
and the winner will be announced March 25, 2011,
so be sure to check back!
My real name is Lindsay (KC is my blogger name), I am located in Maitland, FL and on my to do list today is:
clean litterbox
clean lizard cages
take dogs to park
vacuum apartment
clean kitchen
FUN! hehe, I love keeping lists. I've never won a giveaway before but it would be so cool to win this to do list. Thanks so much for the chance!
I'm Chris in Hampton, VA. My to do list is partially done already for the day but it included:
scrapbook a layout (doing a Layout a Day right now)
photo & upload layout to forums, schedule blog post for tomorrow with it
complete trakking for critique group & post
blog post about zoo trip
play with my son
pick up hubby at the airport
clean litter box
empty dishwasher and begin refill process
take some time to read!
So cute! My name is Jen and I live in Colorado Springs, CO. Today I need to:
finish laundry
go hiking
finish assignment for class
watch NCAA basketball :)
finalize grocery list
clean off kitchen table
Tweet link: http://twitter.com/#!/JenDeats/statuses/49532624997322752
AHHHH THIS IS AWESOME!!! So cool and wow, she has ahmazing style!
I'm Angie - nice to meet y'all - I live in UT with my awesome wife, our two kitties and a little cockatiel! ^_^
Today on my To-Do List:
WORK (yes, I work on Sunday. Boo.)
Organize our bedroom - keep what's good, toss what's bad.
Upload my Project 365 pictures to Flickr.
Clean out the fridge (always fun! ;P)
Possibly go outside with Jen to play badminton, even though there is SNOW ON THE GROUND. Silly first day of Spring!
Write a positivity goal list for Spring.
I feel like an idiot, I don't know how to link to just one tweet (d'oh!) BUT I DID DO IT!!! http://twitter.com/#!/AngieBailey13
My name: Sue
I live in: Cajun Country (Louisiana)
Things I need to accomplish today first and most important finish watching the Bristol Race and hoping my man Jimmie #48 will continue to lead and win this race.
I need to finish balancing my checkbook statement has been here I started and didn't finish.
fold my last load of clothes and put them up.
run to the grocery store for a few items and dinner tonight.
complete today's "list".
I am sure things will crop up and some of these things will go to tomorrow to finish. Always does! lol
Haha...Kylie's list made me smile :) Lots of animals!
I'm Marthalynn in Atlanta, GA and some things on my mental to-do list today are:
Sweep the kitchen
Complete a load of laundry
Vacuum, dust, and straighten up the living room
Work Out
(all while my little one is napping!)
It's not as exciting or ambitious as everyone else's list, but it feels good to clean and exercise :)
Hi! I'm Sarit (Sarah) Gabay, from CA :)
On my to do list:
1. Stay late in bed (Done!!! LOL)
3. Late breakfast (coming soon...)
2. Buy a new dining set (we'll be out after breakfast, we already choose it, so it will be fast...)
4. Come back home and sew a tablecloth for the new table
5. Make today's list
6. Finish my Sewing class mini journal
7. Watch a movie and coddle with my handsome husband
Tweeted here:
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!! :)
i'm chantilly from brooklyn, and have that same journal! bought it at barnes & noble though.
i would LOVE this to-do list, as i am also always swamped with tasks that i need to write down. such as:
- getting a new blog design, so getting the design questionaire filled out
- dishes
- go to craft store for supplies
- do vocal warmups & practice guitar
- have a nice relaxing coffee somewhere ;)
My name is Clare from Manchester, England.
- Following at least 3 more blogs
- Making ratatouille
- Booking train tickets
- Finishing an essay
- Ringing my Mama for a catch up
Hi! My name is Trina and I've been reading your blog through reader and just added myself to friend connect. I am from DFW, Texas... it's already hot here! Here's what's on my list!
--organize my daughter's doll house accessories and make a DIY doll house storage/stand out of an old TV stand.
--catch up on reader...so behind!
--blog about a birthday party and the super moon pics we took last night.
Here's my twitter link!
And I'm Holly F., over here in Utah. Today, my list contains all things mama related: getting the kids to nap, putting away baby clothes, and letting the kids talk to their grandparents. Sundays are usually pretty relaxed around here.
Cheli...orange county, California
To do: study, check emails, organize award list, do today's prompt 2 wtj pages, more earrings
Hey my name is Kim Hutton.
I am subscribed (Skates and Stitches).
I'm from Edinburgh in Scotland.
My to-do list for today featured washing, cleaning, crafting, doing derby, and now lying here doing nothing. :P
I also tweeted
Those are so cute!My name is Carissa. I live in British Columbia.
My list for today:
-clean bathroom
-correspondence course
Here's my tweet link
Such a cute little octopus! :3
My name is Kelly Morrison and I live in Cornwall, England.
It nearly time for bed so all I have to do is edit a photo, email it to my friend, have a shower then get ready for bed :)
I tweeted too!
Hi. My name is Jane Cullen and I'm from Fort St. John, BC, Canada. On my to do list today:
Shovel snow (lots of it!)
Write in my journal
Get ready for work tomorrow
Bath my dog
i'm diane.
i live in sebastopol, california.
on my to do list this afternoon:
create + post today's list
call my sister
have an inspiration session for spring wardrobe
create blog editorial calendar for this week
put new music on my diphone
i'm a teacher on spring break + it's heavenly! :)
Hi! I'm Julie (RockStar Crafer) and I'm writing lists in Denver, Colorado.
To Do Today:
Finish Craft Room ReDo
Clean the house
Sewing Class (throw pillows!)
Make a lovely dinner of pasta with artichoke sauce and steamed veggies
What the final episode of Big Love
Pretty standard for my Sundays :)
love it! I'm based in Spain and today I have to 1. recover from a horrible hangover 2. get my life back on track 3. update my blog 4. stop facebook stalking people 5. tidy my room
Hey I'm Hannah from Bedford in the UK. I also go by Hannie and Han. On my To-do list there is:
Knit as many squares as i can for a blanket (I'm on about 1 and a half done this weekend - it's not good it's supposed to be finished and on it's way to the USA by the 1st April)
Read about 10-20 pages of my reading book.
http://twitter.com/#!/girltaristhan/status/49602466341335040 And a tweet :)
I'm a blog follower :)
My list for this week is:
1) Start the week off on the right foot 2) Make it through the week with a positive attitude and 3) Think of options!
Oh, cool! My name is Miki, I'm in California (I moved a month ago from Argentina, to get married and settle down here). And my to-do-list for today includes choosing the outfit I'll wear tomorrow for my first day at work and finding out how to get there.
I absolutely love these! I'm Katrina from Syracuse... let's see, my to-do list
Mail some packages
Figure out what's taking up all the room in the fridge
Catch up on my favorite blogs
Work on a new idea I had this weekend
Nicole here, from Columbia, Missouri. The day is done, but tomorrows to do list includes:
-catching up with my 30 days of lists, and browsing the flickr group.
-cleaning out & organizing my bedside table.
-tackling my paper piles
-resting and keeping off of my hurt toe (I dropped a heavy metal candle holder on it yesterday morning!)
The octopus notepad is darling! I've admired boygirlparty for a while now. So happy for this giveaway!
LaTasha' Grand Ledge,MI
-return menards/petsmart
-buy fish
-crib sheets from target
-dinner w/mom and dad
-fill out all thank you cards from shower
...........wow I actually did everything.
danielle, from blacksburg, virginia! On my list:
+chemistry homework
+clean (wash dishes, vacuum)
love the giveaway!
judi from San Francisco
was supposed to do laundry, clean the kitchen, finish up the taxes, and go to the grocery store... instead I knit ALL DAY!
HI all! Marit, from the Netherlands here... I'm falling a little behind on the lists but I hope to upload the latest pages (4 or 5?) to the Flickr group - that's on my to-do list if my computer will let me (it has a ventilator-problem, which makes the thing groan and nag from time to time, and it's impossible to work with the noise... it will be fixed this week!) I have Four more lists to make (at least one is on my 'todolist' today!) I should clean the kitchen, but I put it on the 'to do LATER' list - HA!!! Oh, and I'd love to win this awesome octopus notepad to help me get through the days!!!
I'm Kristin, I'm from Pittsburgh, PA and since to-day's pretty much over, some of my to-do list for tomorrow is
- finish my adaptation of Paradise Lost for class
- yoga
- catch up on my 30 days of lists!
- eat some of the delish penne alfredo my friend cooked for me
- finish reading "Kafka on the Shore"
Tweet is here: http://twitter.com/#!/mylifeasateacup/statuses/49788056152195072
My name is Beverley.
I live in Epsom, Surrey, United Kingdom
On my to-do list today:
* Find a book for my 30 days of Lists (I only found you yesterday!) - DONE!
* Start making my lists.
* Tidy the house
* Make Dr. Appointments - DONE
* Pick my kids up from school and take them to Youth Club.
I've never even entered a give a way before? How fun :)
name is Jessi
I live in Kingston Ontario, Canada
my to do list today is:
- do laundry
- fix the mistake I made on my sweater
- work
- finish up some blog drafts I have saved
My name is Jasmine and I live in Fall River, Massachusetts.
Today's to-do list:
-Photo edits
-Blog posts (done!)
-Organize my scrap materials
-Brew coffee for iced coffee's :]
-Be awesome (done!)
My tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/iJasmineYoung/status/49892206428958720
I'm Allie, and I'm from Ohio!
On my to-do list today:
3 papers to write
Skype date!
Apply for more jobs :-(
This is such a cute giveaway! Thanks!
Hi! I'm Jamie and I live in Allentown, PA
My to do list today is
Go Grocery shopping
Do the Dishes
Cook Dinner
Separate Laundry
and do my first 30 Lists list!
I'm Morgan from Pittsburgh, PA, currently living in the DC Area!
Today, I am:
Driving back to DC from PA (CHECK!)
Working (CHECK!)
Stopping at the grocery store on my way home
Going for a quick run to blow off some steam
Watching DWTS tonight for the first time (GO HINES WARD!)
Updating my 30 Days of List journal and blogging - check it out at www.twobeebs.com
I'm Madeline Noble from Adelaide, Australia!
Today I must:
Finish the tafe work I didn't do last week.
Get groceries (mostly fruit and veges)
Drop off resumes in the hopes of getting a job closer to where I live (instead of a 40 minute bus trip away) - wish me luck
Go to class
Make tea for my friend who's having housing drama
Get to bed at a reasonable hour
I'm Jackie Kyle from Oxford, Mississippi, and my to-do list for today:
-linguistics readings for class
-archaeology paper
-call about getting sister's laptop fixed
-write a sweet note to my nephews
-photograph fabric flower earrings for Etsy shop/blog
I'm Nicole K from beautiful Southern California!!!
I'm a follower.
Today I have to:
Work on my site
--on site, Catch up on Blogging
--on site, Finish ARC for review
--at work, tweet
--at work, write some articles
--at work, do some Search Engine work
--at home, do laundry
--at home, prepare for Disneyland tomorrow
--at home, work on editing novel.
Woops! haha I'm Nova, in British Colombia, Canada. Today is my day off so pretty much all I have to do are
-get my tax info ready to file
-walk the dog
-try out my new spinner 360 camera
I'm a subscriber.
I'm Sand from TX and I need to clean, workout and get my taxes prepared.
My real name is Anna. I currently reside in Winter Haven, FL. I begin nearly everyday with a cup of tea and the writing of my to do list.
My to do list for Tuesday was:
1. Homework
2. Ride Bike
3. Tutor
4. Laundry
5. Take Photos
6. Write Lists 20, 21
7. Play Super Mario Galaxy
I did quite well on accomplishing this list for the day.
I'm a follower! I'm Kirsty from Scotland.
My to-do list for today includes finding someone to rent my flat, buy some jewellery and art supplies, finish my drawing, edit some photos, bake and finish the book I'm reading.
hey, hello.
my name is diana and i live in snowy minneapolis.
today i need to get a good workout in. head to the library. finish sewing two tote bags. and m.a.y.b.e baking some sweet vegan treat.
Awesome! I'm Laura from Amsterdam.
A few things I need to do are:
*Reply a bunch of emails
*write a movie review
*paint my nails
*go shopping for DS games
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