Here are some of the fun and creative Today's Playlist versions from you all ...
I am LOVING all of the different methods you're taking to list. And LOVING all the honesty with this little snapshot of your lives..
Ex: Chris is blogging her lists (screenshot below) .... and for today's list she was quite resigned to the fact that she has no real choice over her playlist with a little one running around :)
I can imagine her kids taking a look at this when they're older, grateful for this little sign of how much they're loved.....

by Chris

by Jessi from sparrows-and-arrows
This next list was made on the Notes problem from her iPhone - proof that this is really just about working with what you have:

by knitpinkie
I love this next one ... her whole set is gorgeous!

by mushab00m
I also love this entry by mollykiely (but it's not shareable, so you'll have to go to her flickr site to see it!)
I think I might check out some of your music that you've been listening to!
Thanks everyone for participating - and as always check out everyone else's work in the comments or in the 30 Days of Lists flickr group!
I'm loving the creative ones. Maybe I should bust out the stickers or something for mine :)
I'm feeling the lack of illustration on mine too!
(I blogged about the first four lists today:
...thanks for the link! I just allowed "sharing" -- I didn't realize my photos weren't set to do that.
I'm loving this project -- so glad I heard about it!
I am enjoying the lists so far! I have to admit this one is hard for me. I am not sure what to include...
I love these challenges!!
Check my Playlist Challenge out please! Im sure you guys will like it.
Thanks for linking mine!
oh yeah! thanks for the link!
Yah! I made the blog (iphone one)! I'm really likin' this. I love seeing how creative everyone is.
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